Green Ghana Day is a day set aside by the government to plant and encourage citizens to plant trees. As part of the activities of the day in the EGMA, the Kpembe traditional Council and the EGMA organised a tree planting exercise to mark the day. The exercise was attended by his His Royal Highness the Kpembewura and his Subjects , the Hon Municipal Chief Executive and Staff of the Municipal Assembly. They planted trees to Green the environment around the Municipal Assembly.

  In his speech, he advised the citizens to plant trees in their environment and to also avoid the felling of trees. He also revealed that, he would soon launch a tree planting campaign dubbed, “one to four” meaning one household to plant four trees. He warned sub-chiefs under his paramouncy not to entertain illegal logging in the traditional areas.

Hon Municipal Chief executive, Richard Broni, planting a tree on behalf of the Assembly to mark the day.