BudgetPhysical Panning Department
Staff Of The Municipal Assembly In A Media Sensitisation On The Payment of Property Rates
June 8, 2023
1 minute read
They were in the studios of Magyk fm and Kaniti fm. They educated the public on the need to pay their property rates, how the property rates were being calculated and the mode of payment. Listeners were also giving the opportunity to call into the program to ask questions and sought clarification. On the far right is Madam Fati, Municipal Physical Planning Officer, in the middle is Rahim Bayason and from the left is Nuhu Wango, MIS Officer. Abdul-Rahaman Ali (Narrator)

The Staff of the Municipal Assembly also took their sensitization to the communities. The programme was under the auspices of the Ghana Revenue Authority, the Budget Unit and Municipal Physical Planning Unit of the Assembly.
The Machera electoral area hosted the community sensitization programme, where Staff took community members through the purpose of payment of property rates, how to arrive at the rate for a property and the mode of payment of property rate.
The Municipal Physical Planning Officer, Madam Fati Isshakau, also educated the communities on the need to obtain building permits from the Assembly before building.
She advised them to contact the Municipal Physical Planning Unit to obtain their building permits.